Welcome to Morphicon.net
New pants - 05/01/09
Bought myself a new pair of jeans today. Damn, they're tight!
Frequent updates - 24/12/08
I have been reluctant to update this website in the past, but that's going to change. From now on Morphicon.net will primarily serve as a forum for me to spew hatred and venom. My continuous reckless rage will first and foremost be directed towards ethnic minorities, East European automobile manufacturers and french fries in general.
Standards compliance - 16/12/08
Morphicon.net now conforms to XHTML1.1 and CSS3. All legacy HTML tables, GIF images and excessively redundant www-subdomains are long gone. Characters are encoded in UTF-8 and we're also accessible through IPv6. Thanks, Ishmaël (aka HappyHunk86)!
The site probably doesn't go along all too well with Internet Explorer 1.0 anymore, but as my ol' pal RaZzi use to say: «Screw those IE suckaz, they're mutually exclusive to our target audidence, Monsieur Ansjos!». Oh, well.
Back in business - 04/12/08
Mapping cancelled, now focusing 100% on Lineage II.
Half-Life² released! - 16/11/04
Mapping will begin shortly.
A New Beginning - 24/11/03
As you've probably noticed, the new design is up. Unfortunatly, the HL2 beta mapping scene is slowly dying, and I'm removing all beta-related material from my site. In the upcoming months in advance of Half-Life 2's release, I'll be busy writing tutorials and exploring the new entities. When it's finally released I'll post all of my work here. For now, however, there isn't much to see here.
Greetings to everyone from the mapping scene. Hopefully time will progress fast.
Hello world! - 27/11/84
First post. I will use this website to keep track of achievements and milestones throughout my life.